Sharing Our Stories

Nov 29, 2022

I am feeling so grateful for the time I got to spend this weekend with some of my favorite birthing families and a few new faces as well!

Every time I sit with families sharing their birth stories, sharing wisdom with one another about their births, their early parenting experiences, and life, I am so humbled. 

What an honor to spend time with these wise womb warriors and be reminded of the innate wisdom that all people have and the wisdom that is gained through the experiences of birth and parenting.

Sharing our stories is such an important part of the birthing journey. Being WITNESSED as we experience our rites of passage, is what makes them real, what helps us process them, and what integrates them into our bodies and spirits. 

Have you been able to share your birth story? Like REALLY share it? To people who were truly engaged, compassionate, interested? To people who wanted to learn from your journey? Over and over until you understand your birth yourself?

If not, your journey is not complete!


  • What did you learn from your birth? From your baby?
  • How did your birth change you?
  • What can other birthing people learn from your story?
  • What would have helped your birth be more wonderful?
  • How can you help others have a more wonderful birth?
  • What do you want to share with people who may not have had a wonderful birth?
  • What do you wish you had known?

What else?

If your friends and family have not witnessed your birth, how can you be seen and heard to finish your journey?

How does your baby want their story to be shared? 

Art? Music? Tears? Laughter? Ask them!!

How can you have your story heard? 

πŸ‘‰Would you like to write your story down? 

Send it to me! Or post it in the babyledbirth group on FB! I’d love to read it (maybe put it in my next book!πŸ˜€)

πŸ‘‰Would you like to share it on a podcast? 

One of my clients recently shared on the Happy Homebirth Podcast on Spotify- how fun to listen to her story! (Episode 199 if you want to listen!) I would LOVE to hear your story as well! The BIrth Hour, Birthful, VBAC Birth Stories, Birth Stories…. So many podcasts would LOVE to feature YOU!

πŸ‘‰Would you like to join a circle of women and families who want to hear your story? 

Or would you like to support women and families who are in need of sharing? Being in these circles are an integral part of healing and celebrating the feminine as well as healing birth trauma and honoring birth power. (Stay tuned for how we will be doing this in the new year!)

You, and your baby are so powerful and you will understand that truth more and more each time you share the MAGIC that is in your story.

I can’t wait to hear, read, WITNESS YOU in your power!