Remembering Ancestral Ways for Memorial Day

May 24, 2022

Memorial Day is usually a time we set aside to remember those who sacrificed to protect the land we live on. No matter how much you love the United States, there are potentially some serious problems with this idea… since the land we live on is stolen and was built up to its “greatness” on the backs of slaves. Not to mention there are some pretty… not so great things happening in this country right now (and let's be honest, since its inception really). 


Of course it is still wonderful to remember those who sacrificed. This year I’d like to invite you to remember the sacrifices your ancestors made for you to be here. Not in war, but in the ways they fought for your life and sacrificed their own comforts in hopes that you would have a good life.


What did your mother and grandmother sacrifice in order to give you the life they wanted for you? What were their pregnancies, their births, their postpartum times like? 


What about their mothers and grandmothers?


If we go back far enough, each and every one of us had ancestors who were honored and revered for their ability to create life.


 ➢    They were taken care of and treated as sacred during pregnancy and postpartum.

 ➢    They were fed, and touched, held and cared for in beautiful and ceremonial ways.

 ➢    They were witnessed in their transformation during this time.

 ➢    Their bodies and spirits were encouraged to heal from birth so they could be strong mothers and strong members of their communities


Close your eyes and REMEMBER what it felt like to be held sacred during this time.

To be fully honored and cared for as you grew, birthed, and fed your new baby. To be seen in all the ways you were changing and stretching and transitioning, in order to be the parent this new one needed.



This is what your BODY anticipates. This is what is written in your DNA to receive.


If you, your mother, your grandmother did not receive these things… then that was a sacrifice. Each of these people sacrificed their own physical, mental, and spiritual health in order to offer life to the baby.



We thank all those who sacrificed in order that we may have life.