On a Jet Plane

Aug 11, 2022

I’m very excited because this morning I am hopping on a plane to Hawaii!!


I’ve never been before and I am travelling with a woman who I lived with in Austria 28 years ago and our children. It’s the experience of a lifetime. Boy do I feel grateful.


I work really hard to offer the best support I can to birthing people and their families as well as birthkeepers who are finding their way on their journeys and dedicate my life to being available to them 24/7 for most of the year. I LOVE this work and feel so honored to have the opportunity to work intimately with so many beautiful humans. 


And that’s why time for myself is SO crucial. 


I have always loved traveling, seeing how other people live, seeing the wonders of creation first hand. Man our world is amazing!

Being an on-call midwife does not always make this easy. But seeing the world is important to me… so I make sure that I get to do the things that I love outside of being a birthkeeper as well.


What do you really love that you have put on a backburner so that you can work, or parent, or pay bills? What have you been telling yourself you can’t do that you really want and love to do?


I challenge you to really think about this and make a promise to yourself that you will make this thing happen. It might not be today. But promise yourself and be in co-creation with the universe, the creator of the universe, and all those who love you and are loved by you, that this piece of you will be honored. 


You aren’t you without this piece of you…
and we need you- the WHOLE and COMPLETE you-
in this world doing your work to make it the best place it can be.


With a radiant smile on your face, tell yourself and anyone else that needs to know…
“It feels AMAZING that I now…” 


Let me know how you will end this sentence!


Share with me what beauty you are going to make happen in your life and in this world so that I can be rooting for you and joining in your creation!


I’ll send pics from Hawaii soon!