Invoking the Postpartum
Dec 07, 2022Here we are in the final swoop of 2022, preparing for the thick of winter, settling into the darker mornings and long nights.
It’s not my favorite time of year…
I think my body wants to hibernate while the world tells me to hustle and bustle. My spirit wants to go inward and explore itself while the world tells me to be around more people, go to parties, and focus on giving to others. My heart feels heavy in the darkness, and the world tells me to put on a happy face and be grateful.
We seem to have forgotten that we are beings connected with the way the seasons turn, the way the cosmos align, and we push ourselves to constantly grow and celebrate and produce… It feels exhausting sometimes!
Just like after we have a baby, our bodies and spirits are seeking to rest and recover, there are seasons where our DNA seems to just know that it is time for a break… even when our calendars don’t agree.
In the postpartum time we need warmth, nutritious food, rest, and touch in order for our bodies and spirits to fully integrate the birth experience and heal.
I am trying to bring those principles into my own life this season:
➢ Physically focusing on warm, nourishing, homemade foods, long baths, warm blankets, cuddles, staying home…
➢ And spiritually focusing on listening to what my spirit needs. Kind thoughts, grace, rest, a deep breath with a long exhale, a sense of safety, and people who understand this…
➢ A community that holds me up and allows me to hold them as well…
➢ A sense of safety within a group of people who aren’t trying to be anything different or better, but who are willing to just come as they are, see me as I am, and hold each other.
If you need this too, then I hope you will consider joining one of my new womb warriors membership groups that will be starting next year.
- There will be both online and in person options, educational opportunities, mentorship, various healing modalities like yoga, meditation, and EFT.
- There will be times to give and times to receive, times for families and times just for womb warriors.
- There will be different options for folks who are pregnant, who are parents, who are birthkeepers, as well as those who just want to experience love and support from a group of people who are willing to just come as they are, see you as you are, and hold each other.
I’m asking each of you:
➢ What would an ideal community of womb warriors look like for you?
➢ How could a community bring your spirit the nourishment it needs?
➢ What sorts of things would be offered from a membership that would really fill you up?