Can You Remind Yourself that You Matter!?

Jan 28, 2022

Have you ever had a bunch of people who love you gather around you to celebrate your accomplishments?


I really feel like this is something we need to plan for ourselves more often.


We DESERVE to be celebrated!!


I had the opportunity this past weekend to be celebrated for my book, Wisdom From The Womb, The Magic of a Baby Led Birth

We danced, 

we laughed, 

 we played games with excellent prizes,

we connected with new and old friends… 

It was AH-MAY-ZING!!

I feel a whole new energy infused into my being after this party! It wasn’t just a celebration, it was a reminder that what I do MATTERS. That I MATTER to people around me. 

What have you done in your life that deserves celebrating, which as of yet remains uncelebrated?
How can you remind yourself that YOU MATTER?

Seriously, take a minute and remember all the huge things you have done in the past year… 

I challenge you this week to take MATTERS into your own hands and CELEBRATE YOU!!